agree Bill. I am at the heart of battle for and building of lifeboats in rural Wales. Positive and urgent initiatives all around.

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Take climate policy from the UK business department.


I think they have also been promoting GWP*


@sustainsuccess said

“In practice, if we adopt GWP*, we could see organisations with large historic methane emissions which are nevertheless decreasing, being able to claim negative total CO2e emissions. One sector that this applies to is Oil and Gas companies.”

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Beautifully put Bill! Thank you so much - you are spot on with your description of our leaders' incompetence - they are grotesquely so! But they are also corrupt, from the widest meaning of the term - government and power is all about them, and benefits for their mates - we, the people, are and will increasingly pay for this with lost lives, destroyed opportunities, the collapse of the biosphere and likely large-scale conflict en route. It seems high time we started to hold people to account for what should be their criminal complicity (after all, they cannot any longer claim they don't know) in a gargantuan slow-motion crime against humanity - defined as their willingness to ensure those who are responsible for this mess are able to ensure we can never escape. Thanks so much again, very best wishes, Simon

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I couldn't agree more Simon!

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Hello Bill. I was wondering if you would mind if I use some of the information you have exposed here in order to write a letter to UK 'Metro' on the issue. It would just be a list of the Principals, Partners, Providers and Friends with brief details of their connections to fossil fuels. It would be very brief, in my own words, and without reference to yourself. That is, of course, if you haven't already written such letters yourself. I thought it prudent to check with you first.

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Please do Kevin.

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Documents leaked to BBC News recently show that Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels.

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Thanks very much for the wittily written expose. Its not ineptitude tho, its capture of the climate agenda by the puppeteers who hold and want to keep holding the strings. They can use the climate agenda to cement their power. I am no way a conspiricist, this is plan sight stuff. Humans lived for millenia without fossil fuels or damaging the climate and can do it again, having tried, its not a big deal. But hard to find the way back over the bridges when most are burnt or being smashed. Still thats what we need to do, bringing our trophies of the fosssil age with us, the pv and computers etc. Indeed we can thank this age for such gains. Sadly the captains of wealth do not want us to escape.

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Thanks Vicky. There is lots I completely agree with here. In the case of our current government, however, ineptitude always plays a role. It is their signature trademark!!

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NOT Boston Consulting Group but Bloomberg Consulting Group. Just embarrassed myself with cousin who has just started work with Boston.

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No. BCG IS Boston Consulting Group. Bloomberg Philanthropies are there too.

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Hi Bill.

My sincere apologies. I’ve looked again at ukcop26.org and can find no extenuating circumstances for my error. What you have written seems very important. I hope you have shared it as widely as possible.

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It's a farce. The less said about it the better but thank you anyway for shining a light on the ineptitude of this government to do basic due diligence on their funders and supporters. Julian

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I know! I would say that it beggared belief, but with this shower's record.......

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You must forgive my cynicism, Bill - but this doesn't surprise me in the least. Is it any wonder that these conferences generally just lead to lots of empty words and unfulfilled promises? I know that sounds like a crass and generalised dismissal - but there it is. We can only hope that the continued release of information such as in the Panama Papers and the Pandora Papers will continue to expose the corruption of political and business elites and discourage them. Your final point about serial incompetence - well, the report into the British government's handling of the Covid crisis makes me wonder how they still have any credibility left with the voters. Sajid Javid yesterday firmly placed responsibility back with the public, rather than accepting responsibility for the government's own incompetence and inconsistency. That could well be how it ends up with the climate crisis, too: it's the public's responsibility to reduce their carbon footprint, not the government's to impose new regulations. Sorry... off soapbox. Thanks for this worthy piece. I'll share it widely, if I may.

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Yes please, do share, extremely depressing as it is......

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